Lit Chat with Debora De Farias

Thursday, January 20, 2022

it Chat with Debora De Farias, Saturday, January 29, at 1:00 pm. This event will be held with a live audience at the South Manda

For some authors, writing is a full-time career, but others, including Debora De Farias, write and publish books while holding down another full-time job! Come hear how she managed it at our next Lit Chat!


Lit Chat with Debora De Farias, Saturday, January 29, at 1:00 pm. This event will be held with a live audience at the South Mandarin Library, or you can watch it virtually via Zoom. Click here to register.

Debora G. De Farias graduated in Dentistry from the University of Brasilia, followed by a Master Degree in Health Sciences. She also obtained her equivalent D.D.S degree from the University of Florida, when she moved to the United States in 2001. Debora is passionate about her health career, literature and arts. An avid reader since the age of four, she grew up surrounded by books, fascinated especially by the true stories of those unknown heroes and heroines that are part of our history. This is one of the main reasons she began the writing journey with her first historical novel, Standing Tall. Debora lives in Jacksonville, Florida, with her husband Toan Nguyen and their son Andrew. When not writing, reading, painting or promoting beautiful smiles, Debora can be found traveling, hiking, or simply wandering around with her family and friends, always with a camera in her hands.


Check out Debora’s book Standing Tall in the library catalogStanding Tall is available in print as part of our Local Author Collection and in ebook through hoopla and Biblioboard.


Standing Tall is available through a service called Biblioboard, which is a digital resource for local authors around the country. Check out other books from local authors there, or submit your own book to the collection!

If you’re interested in adding your own book to the collection but don’t know where to start, check out our upcoming Writer’s Lab workshops on Pressbooks, the service that will give you a publishable book file, and the Indie Author Project, which gives you a chance to have your work read nationwide and even win awards.


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