Teen Think Tank (6th - 12th Grade)

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Teen Think Tank: Impossible Is Just An Opinion

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

It's easy to dwell on the things that we want to change, both in our own lives and that of the world around us. So much, in fact, that it can sometimes feel unattainable. As we celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans as part of Black History Month this February, check out the resources below and consider just how much can change through the actions of one person, not to mention a collective effort.

Teen Think Tank: Page 1 of 365

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

Happy New Year! People have been celebrating the start of another year as a new beginning for about 4,000 years. There's something about reflecting on and addressing the past that offers us a blank slate for moving forward. Celebrate the magic of new possibilities with our reads and resources below!

Teen Think Tank December 2022: Shine Your Own Light

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

There may not be any snow in our forecast, but winter is officially here! If the waning daylight hours are taking their toll, brighten things up with a light show at Jax Beach's Deck the Chairs. Or, better yet, focus the spotlight on your superior dessert decorating skills in our Batter Royale competition among the branches, December 17-30. These reads and resources will also keep you feeling radiant all month long.

Teen Think Tank October 2022: Who's That Zinester?

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

We’re gearing up for the Duval Comic and Zine Fest on October 22 from 12-5 p.m. at the Main Library. Your voice matters, and we want to make sure it’s heard, so come join us for a day of self-publishing workshops, printing and shopping! You can check out the reads and resources below, as well as the Zine Collection at Main to jumpstart the celebration of independent and alternative press.


Get a Library Card

Jacksonville Public Library card

A Library Card in Every Student's Pocket

Student Library Card

Simply enter a student ID to access a fine-free library card! The Student Card is available for free to all students at any public school system in Duval County.

Science Fair Help

Young girl working on her science project

You've got a science fair project to do, but now what? How do you get started?  Don't worry, the Library has your back! 

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